The HSGM beamline is one of the earlier versions of the Dragon beamline using spherical optical elements and a movable exit slit to maximize the photon throughput and energy resolving power. It consists of one horizontal focusing mirror (HFM), one vertical focusing mirror (VFM), one spherical grating monochromator with 4 gratings, and one toroidal refocusing mirror. This beamline covers the spectral range from 60 eV to 1250 eV, with an average energy resolving power of 5000. The end-station is primarily designed for studying condensed phase photochemistry and the electronic structures of new materials.
This beamline has been operational since 1993. Studies of desorption dynamics of molecular adsorbates, relaxation dynamics of core-excited molecules, synchrotron radiation induced surface photochemistry, electronic structure of molecular films, biomaterials, catalytic materials, sensor materials, energy-harvesting and -storing materials like solar cells, batteries etc. have been performed at this beamline.