The DCM tender X-ray beamline is a bend-magnet soft X-ray beamline, which provides good monochromatized photon beams with energies from 1 up to 8 keV that covers the K edges of elements from Na to Cr and L edges of the first and second rows of transition metals. This beamline provides good opportunity to study some important materials such as zeolites, catalysis, and etc. This beamline takes the leftmost 6 mrads of the horizontal radiation from the BL16 port. After the front-end, the photon beam passes through a graphite filter and slit aperture, and is then vertically collimated by a water-cooled Silicon mirror (Coating: 800Å (±10%) Nickel) located at 5.7 m. The collimated beam is then dispersed by a double crystal monochromator (DCM) at 9 m. The monochromatized beam is then focused by a bent toroidal glidcop mirror at 11.7 m and reaches the sample position at 18.20 m. This beamline delivers soft X-ray beams from 1 to 8 keV with energy resolving power of up to 7000.