BL17B1: General Purpose X-ray Scattering
1. Interior hutch dimension: 4 × 4 m>2
2. 8–Circle diffractometer
3. Detectors: NaI scintillation counter, Si solid-state detector, ion chamber, gas-filled linear detector, and off-line image plate
4. Window in temperature range 15 ~ 300K. Electric furnace for analyzing structure of single/powder crystal with hemispherical Be window with a temperature range 300 to 1000K
5. Computers and controllers, software: PC/LINUX for beamline control, data collection and processing using SPEC/C-PLOT software.
6. Others: motorized XY slits, attenuators, shutter, CAMAC crate, NIM crate, counter, timer, pulse motor controller, high voltage power supply, rate meter, PHA/SCA, MCA, VFC, current AMP etc.