21B2 U90 - Gas Phase


The BL21B beamline is an ultra-high resolution and high flux U9 cylindrical grating monochromator (U9-CGM) beamline, covering the photon energies from 5 to 100 eV. Two energy branches using separate entrance slits and incident angles are used to optimize the overall performance. The low energy branch with grating included angle of 150° covers photon energies from 5 to 30 eV. The high energy branch with grating included angle of 130° provides energy range from 15 to 100 eV. Movable entrance and exit slits are used to enhance the beamline performance. The energy resolving power with both slit openings set at 10 μm is 100000 at 16 eV. Photon fluxes of 2 × 1010 and 1 × 1011 photons/sec/200mA are obtained at the energy resolving power of 100000 and 40000, respectively.

Areas of Research

Ultra-high resolution UPS, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, surface science.

Light Source

Source Size120 μm × 60 μm (V × H)
Source Emittanceξx = 2 × 10-8 mrad
ξy = 2 × 10-8 mrad
Period Length9 cm
Number of Periods48
Energy Range5 ~ 500 eV
Brilliance 1016 ~ 1017 (photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/0.1%BW/200mA)
PowerPT = 3850 W, Pcen = 599 W

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+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 1212

BL Spokesperson

Cheng, Cheng-Maw (鄭澄懋)
+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 7270

BL Manager/Local Contact

Huang, Tzu-Ping (黃自平)
+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 7142



  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopies (XPS)


  • Biochemistry

General Information

  • Source: U90
  • Energy Range: 5~100 ev
  • Focused Spot Size: 200 × 40 μm
  • Status: Operational

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center

101 Hsin-Ann Road, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30076
