05B1 EPU - Soft X-ray Chemistry


The EPU-SGM beamline, which delivers high flux photons with energy from 60 eV to 1400 eV, has been successfully commissioned. The polarization of the photon beams at the EPU-SGM beamline can be adjusted to be either elliptically, circularly, or linearly polarized. The energy resolution of the beamline has been measured from the Ar, N2, and Ne absorption spectra. The measured photon flux is greater than 1 × 1012 photons/s/200mA as both slits are set at 10 mm.

This beamline is now open to the users. The spin-polarized photoemission and soft X-ray absorption end station is available for users to perform electron spin polarization measurements to facilitate the study of spin-dependent phenomena associated with magnetic surfaces, thin films, multilayers, strongly-correlated materials and other related systems. The spin-resolved spectroscopy is achieved by using a 25 KV micro-Mott spin polarization analyzer adapted to a commercial 150-mm hemispherical energy analyzer, which incorporates a 8-channel detection set-up for spin-integrated measurement. This end station is facilitated with a sample-load-lock & transfer, as well as liquid-nitrogen and liquid-helium cryostats. In addition, a well-established thin film growth system using MBE and laser MBE techniques is incorporated with the spin-polarized end station. The growth system is equipped with a differential-pumped ion gun, a thin-film thickness monitor, LEED, and RHEED setups.

The second end station opened to users is the Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM) station.  The Photoemission Electron Microscopy is an imaging technique that utilizes secondary electron emitted from surface upon X-ray irradiation to form a frame of image.  High resolution surface and sub-surface image with elemental, chemical and magnetic contrast can be acquired.  This station adopts an Omicron FOCUS-IS PEEM optics with high pass image energy filter (IEF) as its core instrument.

Areas of Research

Magnetic material: Spin-polarized photoemission, XPS, XAS, MCD

Light Source

TypeElliptically polarized undulator with 5.6 cm magnets
Source Size0.024 × 0.447 mm (V × H)
Period Length (cm)5.6
Number of Periods66
Energy Range60~1400 ev
Brilliance1018 (photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/200mA/0.1%BW)
Thermal Powe907W

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+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 1050

BL Spokesperson

Liu, Chen-Lin (劉振霖)
+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 7320

BL Manager/Local Contact

Liu, Chen-Lin (劉振霖)
+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 7320



  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopies (XPS)


  • Biochemistry

General Information

  • Source: EPU5.6
  • Energy Range: 60~1400 ev
  • Focused Spot Size: 0.4 × 0.2 mm
  • Status: Operational

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center

101 Hsin-Ann Road, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30076
